Woman hands holding light

You’ve probably heard statements like “your thoughts create” or about concepts such as the Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption.

This is known as manifestation and while it seems like magic, it’s something that everyone can do with the right mindset. 

Because that’s the secret – you have to truly believe you can have and are worthy of the things you’re trying to call in.

Tips for Manifestation

Start practicing daily gratitude.

This is finding things to be thankful for, no matter where you’re at in life. You might be grateful that there was no traffic on the way to work. For hot coffee on a cool morning. For an icy drink on a hot summer’s day. For the lessons a difficult situation brought. Try it. Close your eyes now and think of three things you are truly grateful for.

Believe that good things are happening.

Affirm it to yourself. “Things always work out for me”. “I always get what I want”. “There’s always something to look forward to”. This is where gratitude really comes into its own – you need to be able to find the good to believe in the good.

Learn how to positively reframe situations.

Yes it is essential you feel your emotions. But it’s just as important not to get stuck in a negative loop in your mind, or to hold onto a victim mentality. These things bring you down, disconnect you from your intuition and ultimately make us feel worse about things. Say your boss is mad at you. A positive reframe might be “that project has had pressure points for a while now, at least they’re coming to the surface and we can find a way to resolve them”.

Take radical accountability for what is happening in your life.

If you are in a situation – unless it is a genuinely extreme circumstance such as an unprovoked attack – you are part of the problem. You no doubt have your reasons, and it’s ok if you’re not ready to take action, but being able to accept the role you play in your own suffering is essential to moving forward in life.

Stop listening to other people’s opinions.

Remember when they say something can’t happen or you can’t do it, they just mean they don’t believe in it for themselves – and that’s usually why they don’t have it. Unfortunately a lot of people aren’t willing to put in the effort it takes to drive real change and bring manifestations into fruition – and they don’t take accountability for it either. You don’t have to convince them that you’re right, you just don’t have to listen to them saying you’re wrong either.

Keep a manifestation journal.

For your big goals, but some little ones too. You might decide “I will find a feather” or some other cute but meaningful way to help you start creating your own reality. Check back often to see how your manifestations are going, because you’ll be surprised at what you can call in for yourself when you put your mind to it.

Clear Manifestation Blocks

A one off or regular appointment with Marie can help you to identify and release limiting beliefs, get clear about what you want and feel empowered to take the inspired and aligned action needed to get it.